Each time I’m tweeting or e-mailing, I’ll ask myself, should I really be writing this frequently?

I am prone to getting distracted. In the instances that you do it, it would be great to know if my typing can be detrimental or beneficial to my cause. I’d like to be noticed in social networks. However, I’d like to do it in the right manner.

Inquiring, I looked around and came across some solutions for the best lengths for tweets, titles and everything else. A majority of these questions could be addressed by “it depends,” but what’s the fun in this? Research-based evidence supports the importance of tweeting, writing, and posting in certain lengths. We can gain a lot from research-based guidelines for social media such as these. This is the best I could find. I’ve found it.

The ideal length for tweets is 100 characters

Who should you rely on when it comes to providing advice on the right length for tweets? What is it with Twitter itself?

Twitter’s top practices research Buddy Media about tweet length: 100 characters is the ideal engagement level for tweets.

Simplify is our primary goal. Tweets are limited to 140 characters which means they can be read easily anyplace, including via text messages sent from mobile phones. There’s no magic number of characters for a tweet. However, the latest study from Buddy Media revealed that Tweets that are shorter than 100 characters receive a 17% more percentage of engagement.

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This Buddy Media research falls in the same vein as similar research conducted carried out by Track Social in a study of 100 well-known brands which are well-known on Twitter. Track Social also found that the ideal Tweet length was about 100 words.

Their research revealed a rise in retweets for those within the 71 to 100 character range, referred to as “medium” length tweets. Medium tweets contain enough characters that the original tweeter can provide something valuable and also allow the person retweeting to contribute their own commentary.

The ideal length for a post on Facebook is less than 40 characters

Forty characters isn’t anything at all. (The sentence I just wrote contains 35 characters.)

However, it’s the numbers which Jeff Bullas found were most efficient in his research of retailers on Facebook. He evaluated the engagement of posts, as measured as the “like” rate and comment rate. He also found that extremely-short 40-character posts got more engagement of 86 percent over other posts.

The 40-character group was also the most statistically insignificant set of data of this study (only 5 percent of posts qualified for this size). Therefore, the most effective methods on Facebook also cover the most popular set of posts: Posts with less than 80 characters were able to get 66 percent more engagement.

Numerous studies throughout the years have found that shorter posts have a better chance of being liked on the social media platform Facebook. One study conducted by BlitzLocal examined more than 120 billion Facebook impressions and discovered that the performance dropped when posts got in length. Their specific data showed substantial advantages to postings with questions with a length of between 100 and 119 characters.

The ideal length for the headline on Google+ headline is less than 60 characters

To improve the quality and readability of your posts for posts on Google+, you may prefer to keep your content in one line. Demian Farnworth from Copyblogger has studied and analyzed the Google+ breaking point and discovered that headlines shouldn’t exceed 60 characters.

Here’s an illustration of what we mean by this. The blog below had an article that was longer than 60 characters. It was then bumped.


By Mathew

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